Smoke alarm installation

Modern homes burn very quickly, making smoke alarms the quickest and most effective way to alert you and your family of an emergency. It’s the law that you have working smoke alarms on every level of your home and outside all sleeping areas. Smoke alarms should be installed on the ceiling and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Smoke alarm replacement

Smoke alarms don’t last forever. After 10 years, smoke alarms need to be replaced with new alarms. To find out when your smoke alarms expire, check the "replace by" sticker on the side of the smoke alarm or the manufacturer's date on the back of the alarm.

If the smoke alarms in your home are hardwired, meaning they are connected to the electricity in your home, you must replace your existing smoke alarms with a hardwired alarm. You cannot install a battery smoke alarm where a hardwired smoke alarm is required as this is considered lowering the level of detection. If you are unsure what your home requires, please reach out to Fire Prevention to schedule a free home inspection at or call (905) 640-9595.

Carbon monoxide (CO) alarm installation

Carbon monoxide is an odourless, colourless, and tasteless gas, also known as the 'silent killer'. Without a working carbon monoxide alarm, there is no way of knowing if there is carbon monoxide in your home.

If you have a fuel burning appliance or attached garage, it is the law to have working carbon monoxide alarms installed outside all sleeping areas in your home. Some examples of fuel burning appliances include fireplace, furnace, stove, water heater, etc.

Carbon monoxide alarms can be plug-in alarms, battery operated, or a combination alarm. For added protection you can install carbon monoxide alarms on every level of your home and in furnace rooms in addition to outside sleeping areas.

Carbon monoxide alarm replacement

Carbon monoxide alarms don’t last forever. Carbon monoxide alarms expire every 7 - 10 years. Check the "replace by" date on the side of the alarm or the manufacturer's date on the back. If you have a combination alarm, the replacement date is 10 years.

Signs & Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning signs and symptoms are very similar to the flu. You may start to feel nauseous, dizzy, light headed, headache, vomiting etc. If you are concerned about carbon monoxide in your home, call 9-1-1 and evacuate immediately. It’s important that you do not open any windows or doors to allow fresh air into the home because doing so will make it more difficult for the firefighters to identify the source of the leak if there is carbon monoxide present. Do not re-enter your home after calling 9-1-1 until the Fire Department has notified you that it is safe to do so.

Maintenance of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms

To maintain your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms and ensure they are working in the case of an emergency:

  • Test your alarms monthly or according to the manufacturer’s guidelines
  • Replace your alarms before their expiration date, which you can find on the side or back of the alarm. Most alarms expire every 7 to 10 years
  • Replace alarm batteries at least once a year or whenever the low battery warning sounds

Landlord and tenant responsibilities

Landlords are responsible for installing and maintaining smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in their rental properties. Landlords must test alarms in rental units annually, or when:

  • Changes are made to the electric circuit
  • Tenants change
  • The battery alarm is replaced

Landlords also must provide the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions to the tenants.

Tenants must notify their landlord if their smoke or carbon monoxide alarms aren’t working. Tenants cannot remove the alarm batteries or tamper with the alarm in any way.

Alarm testing program

Through our Home Safe Home program, we visit homes in the community and test all the alarms. This program is a great opportunity to learn how to maintain your alarms and ensure your home is protected. Contact us at 905-640-9595 to arrange a home visit.

After the fire program

Our After the Fire program provides fire safety information to residents on streets where a fire occurred. If you aren’t home when we attend, we will leave a door hanger on your home with fire safety tips and contact information.

Take the fire safety pledge

Complete our online survey to “Take the Pledge” and let us know that your home is fire safe.

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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