Downtown Revitalization: Design Consultation Contract Awarded
Project background:
Stouffville is experiencing significant residential and employment growth in the Town’s largest urban center, the Village of Stouffville. To support this growth, the Town must upgrade its existing infrastructure and provide new amenities. As a result, we have begun the first phase of the Downtown Revitalization project, a project that is expected to transform the downtown into a vibrant area bustling with lively shops and restaurants, cultural attractions, public open areas all with a welcoming community atmosphere.
The design consultation contract has been awarded to Accardi Schaeffers & Associates Ltd. This phase of the project consists of undertaking community consultation, preliminary and detailed design, site inspections and material testing, all which will lead to phase two, construction of new infrastructure and the beautification of the downtown core.
What’s next:
Subcontractors from Delph & Jenkins Surveyors will be performing surveys of the area and 4Sight Utility Engineers will be performing the subsurface utility engineering (SUE) investigation along Main Street between Edward Street and Park Drive. This investigative work will take place August 12 - 15, which finds and maps all hidden underground utilities, pipes and wires, to ensure safe digging during construction.
Impact on residents:
There will be no impact to traffic during this investigative work. Please use extra caution in the area during this time as there will be workers present.
Communication updates:
This project will include extensive public consultation including several Public Information Meetings throughout each phase of the project. Residents and business owners are encouraged to participate in the various community consultation initiatives as they arise. A dedicated project webpage is being created as well as a project e-newsletter with timely updates. Stay tuned for more information on how you can get involved throughout the project.
Project contact:
Chandra Pyduthalli, Project Manager
Engineering & Public Works Commission, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
905.640.1900 ext. 4258