Community Grants & Awards

This Challenge is an initiative designed to support local entrepreneurship. Aspiring entrepreneurs with a passion for our community will be invited to submit a business plan for a new or scaled up business on Main Street in the Village.

The Community Improvement Plan offers matching cash grant programs to assist businesses with starting up, expanding, or improving a commercial property. This includes the following matching cash grant programs:

  • Building Improvement Grant Program (Downtown)
  • Leasehold Improvement Program (Urban Intensification Areas in Stouffville, Ballantrae, and Downtown)
  • Food Security Grant Program (Rural Areas)
  • Tourism & Outdoor Experience Grant Program (Rural Areas)

These grant funds are focused on new employment, visitor attraction, diversity & inclusivity, heritage preservation, food security, rural viability, and existing business stability.

To learn more, contact an Economic Development Officer:

The Community Impact Awards, presented by the Whitchurch-Stouffville Legacy Fund, celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of Whitchurch-Stouffville residents and business owners whose distinctive contributions to our community have elevated both the spirit and quality of life in our Town. Residents are encouraged to submit a nomination for an individual who has achieved the highest standards of excellence or made an extraordinary impact on one of six areas: Healthy WS, Connected WS, Sustainable WS, Creative WS, Generational WS, Prosperous WS. 

Check back here for the 2025 nomination period. 

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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