Septic Permits

If you want to install, modify or replace a septic system on your property in the Town of Stouffville, you need a septic permit.

Apply for a permit

To apply for a septic permit, please submit the following forms and plans to the Building Services counter located in our Municipal Offices at 111 Sandiford Dr.



You need to include the following plans in your application package:

  • A site plan identifying the location of all buildings and the sewage system with clearances to structures, wells and property lines
  • System drawings and details
  • Statement of Design

New or replacement sewage system

$1000 CDN
  • Minimum
  • $0.70 per litre of daily designed effluent flow

Expansion of an existing system

$1000 CDN

Repair of an existing system

$325 CDN

We accept cash, cheque or debit for fee payments.

Building and Planning Counter
111 Sandiford Drive, Stouffville ON
(905) 640-1900

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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