Community Safety Cameras

Stouffville’s Community Safety Camera Program uses Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) to reduce speeding, improve driver behaviour, and make the community safer. These cameras work alongside other traffic control measures, such as education, enforcement, and engineering. The revenue generated helps cover program costs and supports other safety initiatives in the town.

How it works

ASE is an automated system that uses a camera and speed sensor to detect vehicles speeding. If a vehicle exceeds the speed limit, the camera automatically captures an image of the vehicle. A Provincial Offences Officer then reviews the image, and within 30 days, a Penalty Order (a "ticket") is sent to the vehicle's registered owner. The Penalty Order includes a fine, but no demerit points or driving record are affected.  The use of automated safety cameras has shown to be very effective in reducing vehicle speeds.

Locations in Stouffville

  1. Hoover Park Dr. eastbound – east of Sandiford Dr.
  2. Hoover Park Dr. eastbound – east of Kribs Dr.
  3. Hoover Park Dri. westbound – west of Jacob Way
  4. Baker Hill Blvd. northbound – south of Boadway Cres.
  5. Millard St. eastbound – west of John Davis Gate
  6. Millard St. westbound – east of Braith Cres.
  7. Main St. eastbound – west of Pine St.
  8. Main St. westbound – east of Spring St.

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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