Safety Camera Penalties

The Town of Newmarket helps the Town of Stouffville by reviewing images from speed cameras. When a camera captures a speeding vehicle, the images are sent to a processing centre for review by a Provincial Offences Officer. The registered owner of the vehicle receives a Penalty Order, which includes a digital image of the vehicle and a close-up of the license plate. Penalty Orders are mailed to the registered vehicle owner within 30 days of the offence.

Driving records and demerit points

The Penalty Order is issued to the registered vehicle owner, so no demerit points or license suspension are applied. However, if fines remain unpaid, they may affect the renewal of your license plate with the Ministry of Transportation.

What to do when you recieve a ticket

The Penalty Order will provide options in detail, but you have two options:

  1. Pay the penalty as instructed.
  2. Request to dispute the penalty.

If you don't take action within 30 days, the Penalty Order will be confirmed, and you will be required to pay the fine. After 30 days, unpaid fines go into default status (also known as plate denial), and an additional fee will be added by the Ministry of Transportation. You must pay the fine and any extra fees at a Service Ontario location before you can renew your license plate.

Fine amounts

The Province of Ontario regulates ASE fines (Highway Traffic Act - Regulation 355/22). The total fine includes three components:

  1. Set Penalty: Calculated based on the kilometres over the speed limit, multiplied by the rate set in Regulation 355/22.
  2. Victims’ Justice Fund Surcharge: Varies based on the kilometres over the speed limit and is credited to the provincial victims' justice fund account.
  3. MTO Search Fee: An $8.25 fee covers the cost of obtaining registered plate owner information.

For example, a vehicle speeding 15 km over the limit incurs a fine of:
$75 (15 km x $5 [penalty rate]) + $15 [Victims' Justice Fund] + $8.25 [MTO Search Fee] = $98.25.

Table 1: Set penalty amounts

Speed Penalty rate

1 to 19 kilometres per hour over the maximum speed limit

$5 per kilometre

20 to 29 kilometres per hour over the maximum speed limit

$7.50 per kilometre

30 to 49 kilometres per hour over the maximum speed limit

$12 per kilometre

50 kilometres per hour or more over the maximum speed limit

$19.5 per kilometre

Table 2: Victims' Justice Fund

The Victim's Justice Fund is determined by the fine amount noted in table 1.

Amount determined in table above
Victims' Justice Fund Amount

$0 - $50


$51 - $75


$76 - $100


$101 - $150


$151 - $200


$201 - $250


$251 - $300


$301 - $350


$351 - $400


$401 - $450


$451 - $500


$501 - $1000


Note: if the penalty amount is greater than $1,000, the amount allocated to the Victim’s Justice Fund is 25% of that amount

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